EA Exam Test Bank

The Advantages Of Enrolled Agent Jobs: Opportunities And Earnings Potential

Enrolled Agent jobs can be a lucrative and rewarding career choice for those who are interested in tax preparation and representation. As an EA, you have the authority to represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for tax-related issues such as audits, appeals, and collections. In this blog, we will discuss the various opportunities, salaries, growth potential, and study materials for aspiring EAs.

Enrolled Agent Job Opportunities

As an EA, you have a wide range of job opportunities in various sectors such as accounting firms, law firms, government agencies, and financial institutions. You can work as a tax consultant, tax preparer, tax advisor, tax analyst, or tax manager. The demand for EAs is on the rise due to the complexity of tax laws, regulations, and compliance issues. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of tax preparers and advisors is expected to grow by 10% between 2020 and 2030.


The salary range for Enrolled Agent jobs depends on various factors such as experience, location, and employer. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an EA in the United States is $76,000 per year. However, the salary can range from $42,000 to $121,000 per year depending on the aforementioned factors. EAs who work for accounting firms or financial institutions generally earn higher salaries than those who work for government agencies or as self-employed professionals.

enrolled agent jobs

Enrolled Agent Job Growth Opportunities

Becoming an EA is not just a job, it is a career. EAs have various growth opportunities such as becoming a partner in an accounting firm, starting their own tax consulting firm, or working for the IRS as a tax examiner or revenue agent. EAs can also specialize in certain areas such as international tax, estate planning, or corporate tax. Specializing in a particular area can lead to higher salaries and better Enrolled Agent job prospects.

Study Materials

To become an EA, you need to pass the Special Enrollment Examination (SEE) administered by the IRS. The IRS EA exam consists of three parts, and each part covers a specific area of tax law such as individual taxation, business taxation, and representation, practices, and procedures. The exam is computer-based and can be taken at any Prometric testing center.

The IRS provides various study materials for the SEE, such as the Candidate Information Bulletin, which contains exam specifications, sample questions, and exam tips.

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Enrolled Agent Jobs Conclusion

Enrolled Agent jobs can be a rewarding and challenging career choice for those who are interested in tax preparation and representation. EAs have various job opportunities, salaries, growth prospects, and study materials available to them. 

If you are interested in becoming an EA, start by researching the requirements, studying for the SEE, and obtaining your EA designation. Once you become an EA, you will have the authority to represent taxpayers before the IRS and provide valuable tax advice to individuals and businesses. The job prospects and earning potential for EAs are expected to continue to grow in the coming years, making it an excellent career choice for those who enjoy working with numbers and helping others.

In conclusion, Enrolled Agent jobs can be a fulfilling and lucrative career choice. With a wide range of job opportunities, competitive salaries, and opportunities for growth, becoming an EA is an attractive option for those interested in the field of tax preparation and representation. By investing in the necessary study materials and passing the SEE, you can become an EA and start your journey towards a successful career in the tax industry.