EA Exam Test Bank

Navigating 2023 Tax Returns: A Comprehensive Guide to Rev. Proc. 2022-38 For Tax Preparers

Summary of Rev. Proc. 2022-38

Adoption Credit

  • Special Needs Child: Credit of $15,950.
  • Other Adoptions: Credit up to $15,950, equal to qualified expenses.
  • Income Phase-Out: Begins at $239,230, fully phased out at $279,230+.

Child Tax Credit

Total Income$1,600 – $63,398
Earned Income$11,750 – $16,510
Maximum Credit$3,995 – $7,430
Phaseout Start$21,560
Complete Phaseout$46,560 – $56,838

Excessive Investment Income

  • EITC Limitation: Not allowed if investment income exceeds $11,000.

Refundable Credit for Qualified Health Plan

  • Excess Advance Credit Payments: Limited as per § 36B(f)(2)(B) table.

Rehabilitation Expenditures

  • Per Unit Basis: $7,900 for low-income units.

Low-Income Housing Credit

  • State Ceiling: Greater of $2.75 x State population or $3,185,000.

Employee Health Insurance for Small Employers

  • Dollar Limit: $30,700 under § 45R(d)(3)(B).

Alternative Minimum Tax Exemptions

  • Exemption Amount: $126,500.
  • 28% Tax Rate Threshold: $110,350+.
  • Phaseout Details: As per § 55(d)(2).
Child’s Earned Income:
  • Deduction: Child’s earned income + $8,800.
Expenses of Elementary and Secondary School Teachers:
  • Deduction: $300 for books, supplies, computer equipment.
Transportation Mainline Pipeline Construction Industry:
  • Deduction: $20/hour for rig-related expenses.
Standard Deduction for 2023:
  • Maximum: Greater of $1,250, $400, or individual’s earned income.
Cafeteria Plans:
  • Salary Reduction Limit: $3,050 for health flexible spending arrangements.
Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefit:
  • Monthly Limit: $300 for commuter vehicle and transit pass.
U.S. Savings Bonds for Education Expenses:
  • Phase Out: Begins at $137,800 (joint) and $91,850 (others).
Adoption Assistance Programs:
  • Exclusion: $15,950 for special needs child adoption.
Private Activity Bonds Volume Cap:
  • Calculation: Greater of $120 x State population or $358,845,000.
Loan Limits on Agricultural Bonds:
  • First-Time Farmers: $616,100.
General Arbitrage Rebate Rules:
  • Computation Credit: $1,960.
Broker Commissions on Investment Contracts:
  • Limit: Lesser of $46,000 or 0.2% of base (minimum $5,000).
Gross Income Limitation for Qualifying Relatives
  • Exemption: $4,700 for 2023.
Election to Expense Certain Depreciable Assets
§ 179 Property Expense Cap$1,160,000
Reduction Threshold$2,890,000
Energy Efficient Commercial Building Deduction
  • Base Deduction: $0.54 + $0.02/percentage point over 25% reduction.
  • Increased Deduction: $2.68 + $0.11/percentage point over 25% reduction.
Qualified Business Income
Filing Status Threshold $ Phase-in $
Married Joint 364,200 464,200
Married Separate 182,100 232,100
All Other Returns 182,100 232,100

Eligible Long-Term Care Premiums

  • Limitations under § 213(d)(10) include attained age-related limitations and medical savings accounts.

Interest on Education Loans

  • Specific limitations apply.

Limitation on Cash Method of Accounting

  • Thresholds apply.

Excess Business Loss Threshold

  • Specific limits apply.

Agricultural or Horticultural Organizations

  • Dues limitations under § 512(d)(1).

Insubstantial Benefit Limitations for Charitable Contributions

  • Includes low-cost articles and other benefits.

Taxation and Expatriation Regulations for 2023

Small Company Tax under § 831(b)(1)$2,650,000 (excluding premiums)
Covered Expatriate Income Tax Threshold>$190,000 average annual net income tax
Expatriation Gross Income ExclusionReduced by $821,000
Foreign Earned Income Exclusion$120,000
Debt Instruments (§ 1274A(b))$6,734,800
Cash Method Debt Instruments (§ 1274A(c)(2))$4,810,600
Unified Credit Against Estate Tax$12,920,000
Valuation Cap for Qualified Real Property (§ 2032A)$1,310,000
Annual Gift Exclusion$17,000
Passenger Air Transportation Excise Tax$4.80 per segment
Reporting Exception for Organizations (§ 6033(e)(3))$132 or less dues
Large Gifts from Foreign Persons>$18,567
Federal Tax Lien Validity<$1,810 (casual sale), <$9,030 (mechanic’s lien)
Property Exempt from Levy$10,810
Exempt Income Amount (§ 6334(d)(4)(B))$4,700
Estate Tax Installments “2-percent portion”$1,750,000

Tax Compliance Penalties for 2024

ViolationPenalty Range
Failure to File Information Returns$20 – $120, $6,000 – $60,000
Failure to Comply with Public Inspection$20, $12,000 – No Limit
Failure to File § 6034 or § 6043(b) Returns$10 – $120, $6,000 – $60,000
Failure to Furnish Correct Payee Statements$310, $3,783,000
Other Assessable Penalties$600 per failure
Partnership/S Corporation Return Failure$235
Failure to File Correct Information Returns$60 – $120, $220,500 – $630,500